Why Do Lingerie Stores Take Your Measurements?

Have you ever walked into a lingerie store and suddenly been approached to get your measurements? 

Don’t be alarmed! Taking bra measurements is a common practice in any lingerie store, and it’s beneficial not just for you, the client, but also for store owners to make sure you get the proper fit.

When did stores start taking measurements?

Many American department and lingerie stores have been taking bra measurements for women since the 1950s. 

It’s a common misconception that one should add 4 inches to their ribcage once taking a bra size.

This common misconception stems from 1950s bras that had little wiggle room and were made from silk or satin.

Still, the tradition of taking measurements at boutiques and lingerie stores continues today at big-name stores such as Victoria’s Secret and Lane Bryant.

Why should I get my measurements taken at the store?

Today, accurate measurements are necessary for people to get the right fit for a bra. 

This is why lingerie stores offer free measurements to help sell you the most comfortable bra. 

Without selling you a comfortable bra, chances are you won’t be returning to their store!

It can be challenging to take your measurements at home, especially if you don’t know how or don’t have access to a bra calculator. 

Thus, the staff at lingerie stores can offer you the tools to take your measurements, such as a tape measure, and then do the calculations for you right then and there!

How do stores take measurements?

When you walk into a lingerie store, staff will be on hand and offer you a free bra measurement. 

All you have to do is make sure you’re wearing a soft t-shirt that’s not too thick and your best-fitting bra beforehand.

An associate might ask you to fully undress from the top and do a measurement in private; however, this is more uncommon. 

Afterward, they will take your measurements using a tape measure at your ribcage and the thickest part of your bust.

Should I use these measurements?

You can always ask your favorite lingerie store to try out a bra and use their measurements before returning your lingerie item. 

By first trying out a bra, you can guarantee that the measurements the lingerie store gave you are accurate and comfortable.

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