How to wear the perfect bra?

How to wear the perfect bra?

Now that we’ve learned how to determine the correct size bra, let’s look at how to wear it properly. 

Even if you have worn bras for years, do you know how to wear them correctly? 

Our step-by-step guide will help you discover the proper way to wear the perfect bra.

Step 1. Bend over

A bra should be put on properly by bending over so the breasts can hang naturally. 

As you slip on your bra, you can gently guide your breasts into the cups and let them settle in naturally with a slight jiggle. This brings us to our second step.

Step 2. Hooking your Bra

I’m sure you know how to hook your bra, but are you sure? Since the bra band provides most of your support, ensuring your bra is fastened correctly is vital to its success. 

When hooking your bra, make sure each hook is connected in the loosest setting. 

Once the bra fabric wears down, you can attach it to the tighter settings to keep your secure fit. 

The band should rest flat against your back. If you find your band creeping up your back, this is a sign your band is too big.

Step 3. Straps

As far as support and lifting are concerned, bra straps rank second. 

Slide the straps up to make sure they lay flat and straight against your skin and are adjusted to fit comfortably, not too loose and not too tight. 

To tell, you should be able to slip two fingers underneath the straps.

Step 4. Primp em up

Finally, give each breast one more tuck lift to ensure everything is in place.

Wearing Underwires

The underwire bra can be tricky. Though most women have a love/hate affair with underwire bras, they have become much more comfortable to wear now in our modern era. 

We love them due to their ability to provide an extra lift and a fuller, rounder breast look. 

When it comes to wearing underwires, follow steps 1 -4 but also:

  • Ensure the gore (middle part of the bra that separates the cups) is center and flat on your chest.
  • That the underwires fit comfortably underneath your breasts and that the wire extends as far as your armpits. 
  • In an ill-fitting bra, the wire does not go back far enough; thus, the wire digs into your flesh. 

Breast Shape

Another critical factor in wearing the perfect bra is ensuring you have your ideal fit bar courts with your natural breast shape. 

There are eight main breast shapes:

  • Globe-shaped/ Round – Top-to-bottom full breasts.
  • Long narrow/ Relaxed – Long, drooping breasts. Nipples are pointing downward.
  • Bell-shaped – The breasts appear full and round at the bottom but thin at the top.
  • Asymmetrical – One breast is usually more prominent in size than the other.
  • East-west/Outward-facing – Breasts face outward, nipples are facing outward.
  • Widely separated – Full breast but set widely apart.
  • Teardrop – Similar to the bell shape but not as slim at the top.
  • Athletic – Wide breasts with less breast tissue and more muscles.

With this list and a good look in the mirror, you can determine the shape of your breasts. 

Then research to see which bra style flatters which type of breast shape best. Why? Because you now know how to wear your bra perfectly.

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