Why do my bra straps fall down

Bra straps keep falling off is a common thing to happen frequently for most women, and most women are not quite sure why this keeps happening.

A simple answer to why your bra straps keep falling off is because your bra may be too big, or you need to adjust the straps in the back properly.

Big bra band

Your bra band may be too big, which can cause your straps to fall off.

When your bra band is too big and loose, it will cause the band to ride up your back and loosen the straps that will prompt your bra straps to fall off.

Adjust strap

Properly adjusting your bra straps every day can help prevent your straps from falling off if the band is not the issue.

How you modify your bra strap is essential to prevent it from falling off your shoulder. 

Professional bra fitter recommended that you wear a fully adjustable bra, where the bra strap can be adjusted, from the front and the back.

Sloping shoulders

Women with sloping shoulders, bras tend to fall off constantly due to their body shape.

If you have a sloping shoulder, you want to avoid bras that are wide and have wide straps.

Bras that prevent straps from falling off 

When buying bras, look for bras that have multi ways of fastening to them.

  • Bras that have crisscross in the back
  • Built-in racer hook in the back
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